A word on Bahulya by the Dancer
When I started browsing through my previous works, which explored different languages, I profoundly discovered one most important issue. Most languages paint the experiences of life. Some do with social structure, some do spiritual structure some mythological and some very deep human behavior. I could relate to everyone of them as a human being rather than a Hindu or an Indian . I am a very devout Hindu Brahmin but enjoy all these diversity of life with different sects and religion. I believe, God, if exists, has done a great job of creating human beings with such complexity yet gave them an option of living with simplicity.
Coming back to Bahulya, I figured out a great relation of all the Indian languages with the mother language of Sanskrit. Since most of the Indian classical dances deals with stories of Ramayana and Mahabharata, I took Amir Khusro's work - "Raat Samay". Its just beautiful. Also, took my all-time favorite - "Balegara Chennaiah".
In St. Louis, when Seema sang violinist Sandhya did a marvelous job in supporting different aspects of Bahulya. So did Srinath by helping me with the accuracy of the Jatis. When I went to India, Bharathi Venugopal and Ramesh did the job very good. Pa Natarajan and Madhu on violin gave a decent support.
But always an issue of cost comes into our dance production. I would like to perform Bahulya and share it with more people. I would love to have musicians all the places. But financially it is impractical in USA. So, the option of studio recording came.
That's when I met my good old friend Chami. I do claim that all the music was done by me in Bahulya. Thanks to all the teachers such as Ambhi Bhagavathar, Mattur Shankaramurthy, Chintalapalli Krishnamurthy and at present my Guru Nagamani Srinath.
But Chami did add his magical touch to some of the pieces and made it very grand. The sound Engineer Chethan did some of his magic with the voice. Ultimately, as a team we made a beautiful music.
Now I am ready for a good dance tour in USA. I am sure, Bahulya will be a great production for all Indians and to all performing art loving Americans.
I could not have done this project without the support of my wife, co-dancer, co-musician and mother of my child - Seema.
My mother Padmaje - who motivates me every moment, my brother - Pulikeshi and sister Lakshmi(Sushma) who stands with me solidly in have contributed immensely to projects like Bahulya. There is always blessings of my father Raghusutha from heavens.
I should not forget the board of directors of SPA and my students, who are my backbone and support me all the time.
Guru Prasanna Kasthuri